mercoledì 8 maggio 2019

Not a group by expression

You can do this by adding columns to the GROUP BY. Too bad Oracle has limitations like these. SQL Group by error - not a GROUP BY.

This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I am trying show all the different companies for which students work.

However only companies where. Why is the original query working in mysql and not in oracle? And will adding all those columns in the group by clause compromise the intention of the query? So only the group depid=and jobid=remains.

A filter condition like. It is not clear how this filter condition should be applied to group depid=and jobid=6. HI hear your group by clause is good. MARKET_ID away from the LISTAGG item but no joy.

Unfortunately, Hana refuses to compile a statement that gets normally executed when variables are replaced by values.

Well you would need to add altitude to the group by for that to work. When you do group by you can only order by things in the select list, simply because anything not in the select can have multiple values for a given group. Information in this document applies to any platform.

GROUP BY expression So the query was tried moving ASM. Query: select distinct. If i just run the cursor in a testscript. This is the column or expression that the aggregate_function will be used on. Because mfg_cd and invtory.

Hi Gurus, I have a requirement wherein I need to get aggregate of local currency for particular GL based on Division. My query is below and I had it working but then modified it and now I am getting not a group by expression. How do I count all objects in the current schema? Selected as Best Selected as Best Like Liked Unlike.

Login to answer this question. Concurrent PrograXLAACCUP - Create Accounting Program Symptoms. Unable to post transactions to GL.

Ever since migrating to PB 7. Secon as has been note you are misusing the HAVING clause. I get the same behaviour in 9.

EMP_CODE, PROF_EMPLOYEE_DATA. My Oracle Support provides customers with access to over a million knowledge articles and a vibrant support community of peers and Oracle experts. Your feedback is appreciated.

Please tell us how we can make this article more useful. Please provide us a way to contact you, should we need clarification on the feedback provided or if you need further assistance. Also you cannot use alias in your group by expression of same query. You need to add complete CASE statement in your group by expression to include field7. Just mentioning an alias is not possible in group by, because the SELECT step is the last step to happen the execution of a query, grouping happens earlier, when alias names are not yet defined.

This blog is created for the oracle DBA community who search a lot for valuable data on the internet. This is compilation of posts from various forums and groups. Indee having should also be applied on a field included in the group by, and it's not the case of DD.

Oracle Database community is growing by the day and the necessity of such a blog will be felt very soon.

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